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Data binding:

Hello, bound world!

تمامًا مثلما بدأنا هذا الدليل التعليمي بمثال الكلاسيكي "Hello, world!" ، سنعرض لك كيف يسهل استخدام الربط بين البيانات في WPF من خلال مثال "Hello, bound world!". دعنا نقفز مباشرةً إليه وبعد ذلك سأشرحه لك:

<Window x:Class="WpfTutorialSamples.DataBinding.HelloBoundWorldSample"
        Title="HelloBoundWorldSample" Height="110" Width="280">
    <StackPanel Margin="10">
		<TextBox Name="txtValue" />
		<WrapPanel Margin="0,10">
			<TextBlock Text="Value: " FontWeight="Bold" />
			<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Text, ElementName=txtValue}" />

يوضح هذا المثال البسيط كيف نقوم بربط قيمة TextBlock لتتطابق مع خاصية Text في TextBox. كما يمكنك ملاحظة ذلك من لقطة الشاشة، يتم تحديث TextBlock تلقائيًا عند إدخال نص في TextBox. في عالم غير مربوط، سيتطلب هذا منا الاستماع إلى حدث في TextBox ومن ثم تحديث TextBlock في كل مرة يتغير فيها النص، ولكن باستخدام الربط بين البيانات، يمكن إنشاء هذا الاتصال فقط باستخدام العلامات التشكيلية.

The syntax of a Binding

All the magic happens between the curly braces, which in XAML encapsulates a Markup Extension. For data binding, we use the Binding extension, which allows us to describe the binding relationship for the Text property. In its most simple form, a binding can look like this:


This simply returns the current data context (more about that later). This can definitely be useful, but in the most common situations, you would want to bind a property to another property on the data context. A binding like that would look like this:

{Binding Path=NameOfProperty}

The Path notes the property that you want to bind to, however, since Path is the default property of a binding, you may leave it out if you want to, like this:

{Binding NameOfProperty}

You will see many different examples, some of them where Path is explicitly defined and some where it's left out. In the end it's really up to you though.

A binding has many other properties though, one of them being the ElementName which we use in our example. This allows us to connect directly to another UI element as the source. Each property that we set in the binding is separated by a comma:

{Binding Path=Text, ElementName=txtValue}


This was just a glimpse of all the binding possibilities of WPF. In the next chapters, we'll discover more of them, to show you just how powerful data binding is.

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