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Article/Chapter Progress
About WPF
What is WPF?
100% complete
WPF vs. WinForms
100% complete
Getting started
Visual Studio Community
100% complete
Hello, WPF!
100% complete
What is XAML?
100% complete
Basic XAML
100% complete
Events in XAML
100% complete
A WPF application
A WPF Application - Introduction
100% complete
The Window
100% complete
Working with App.xaml
100% complete
Command-line parameters in WPF
100% complete
100% complete
Handling exceptions in WPF
100% complete
Application Culture / UICulture
95% complete
Basic controls
The TextBlock control
100% complete
The TextBlock control - Inline formatting
100% complete
The Label control
100% complete
The TextBox control
100% complete
The Button control
100% complete
The CheckBox control
97% complete
The RadioButton control
93% complete
The PasswordBox control
91% complete
The Image control
95% complete
Control concepts
Control ToolTips
100% complete
WPF text rendering
100% complete
Tab Order
98% complete
Access Keys
93% complete
Introduction to WPF panels
100% complete
The Canvas control
100% complete
The WrapPanel control
100% complete
The StackPanel control
100% complete
The DockPanel control
100% complete
The Grid Control
90% complete
The Grid - Rows & columns
100% complete
The Grid - Units
100% complete
The Grid - Spanning
100% complete
The GridSplitter
100% complete
Using the Grid: A contact form
100% complete
UserControls & CustomControls
100% complete
Creating & using a UserControl
96% complete
Data binding
Introduction to WPF data binding
100% complete
Hello, bound world!
100% complete
Using the DataContext
100% complete
Data binding via Code-behind
97% complete
The UpdateSourceTrigger property
100% complete
Responding to changes
96% complete
Value conversion with IValueConverter
93% complete
The StringFormat property
92% complete
Debugging data bindings
98% complete
Introduction to WPF Commands
98% complete
Using WPF commands
96% complete
Implementing a custom WPF Command
97% complete
The MessageBox
100% complete
The OpenFileDialog
36% complete
The SaveFileDialog
100% complete
The other dialogs
100% complete
Creating a custom input dialog
14% complete
Common interface controls
The WPF Menu control
97% complete
The WPF ContextMenu
94% complete
The WPF ToolBar control
9% complete
The WPF StatusBar control
85% complete
The Ribbon control
100% complete
Rich Text controls
Introduction to WPF Rich Text controls
42% complete
The FlowDocumentScrollViewer control
93% complete
The FlowDocumentPageViewer control
91% complete
The FlowDocumentReader control Not started
Creating a FlowDocument from Code-behind
100% complete
Advanced FlowDocument content
92% complete
The RichTextBox control Not started
How-to: Creating a Rich Text Editor Not started
Misc. controls
The Border control
7% complete
The Slider control
100% complete
The ProgressBar control Not started
The WebBrowser control Not started
The WindowsFormsHost control Not started
The GroupBox control Not started
The Calendar control Not started
The DatePicker control Not started
The Expander control Not started
The TabControl
Using the WPF TabControl
100% complete
WPF TabControl: Tab positions
100% complete
WPF TabControl: Styling the TabItems
20% complete
List controls
The ItemsControl
80% complete
The ListBox control
17% complete
The ComboBox control Not started
The ListView control
Introduction to the ListView control
96% complete
A simple ListView example
92% complete
ListView, data binding and ItemTemplate
80% complete
ListView with a GridView
15% complete
How-to: ListView with left aligned column names Not started
ListView grouping Not started
ListView sorting Not started
How-to: ListView with column sorting Not started
ListView filtering Not started
The TreeView control
TreeView introduction Not started
A simple TreeView example Not started
TreeView, data binding and multiple templates Not started
TreeView - Selection/Expansion state Not started
Lazy loading TreeView items Not started
The DataGrid control
The DataGrid control
100% complete
DataGrid columns
100% complete
DataGrid with row details
100% complete
Introduction to WPF styles
98% complete
Using WPF styles
1% complete
Trigger, DataTrigger & EventTrigger
12% complete
WPF MultiTrigger and MultiDataTrigger Not started
Trigger animations Not started
Audio & Video
Playing audio
55% complete
Playing video Not started
How-to: Creating a complete Audio/Video player
0% complete
Speech synthesis (making WPF talk) Not started
Speech recognition (making WPF listen) Not started
The DispatcherTimer
95% complete
Multi-threading with the BackgroundWorker
17% complete
Cancelling the BackgroundWorker Not started
Creating a Game: SnakeWPF
97% complete
Creating the game area Not started
Creating & moving the Snake Not started
Continuous movement with DispatcherTimer Not started
Adding food for the Snake Not started
Controlling the Snake Not started
Collision Detection Not started
Improving SnakeWPF: Making it look more like a game Not started
Improving SnakeWPF: Adding a high score list Not started
Improving SnakeWPF: Adding sound Not started
Full game & final words Not started