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A WPF application:

A WPF Application - Introduction

Ushbu o'quv qo'llanmada bizning asosiy e'tiborimiz dasturlarni yaratishda WPF-dan foydalanishga qaratiladi.SIzga ma'lumki, .NET bajarilishi mumkin .NET dasturiga ega bo'lgan barcha platformalarda , ammo eng keng tarqalgan platforma hanuzgacha Microsoft Windows hisoblanadi. Ushbu qo'llanmada Windows dasturlari haqida gapirganda, bu haqiqatan ham brauzerda yoki internet orqali emas, balki Windows-da ishlaydigan dasturni anglatadi (yoki boshqa .NET ga mos platforma).

A WPF application requires the .NET framework to run, just like any other .NET application type. Fortunately, Microsoft has been including the .NET framework on all versions of Windows since Vista, and they have been pushing out the framework on older versions through Windows Update. In other words, you can be pretty sure that most Windows users out there will be able to run your WPF application.

Keyingi boblar WPF ilovasi qanday ishlashining tuzilishi va turli jihatlarini o'rganadi.